Adult / Couple
January's Faith Formation Session is titled: Created for Good. We are made in the image and likeness of God; beloved by God; called to follow the way of Jesus by living out our baptismal promises as disciples. We are called to be holy. We are called to live the Beatitudes.
During this month, pray the Beatitudes: Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; heaven belongs to them. Help us to admit that we have needs to be open, to change, to realize that we don't have it all. Happy are those who morn; God will comfort them. Give us a heart that is able to feel for the hurt of others. Happy are the meek; they will receive what God has promised. Help us to enable others to be themselves, to open up, to be quiet enough to hear others. Happy are those who greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully. We pray that we might have the faith to be spiritually motivated in our lives. Happy are those who show mercy to others; God will show mercy to them. We pray to have compassion without conditions, to be sensitive and responsive, to freely and unconditionally give of ourselves. Happy are the pure of heart; they will see God Help us to be in touch with our inner selves, honest with ourselves, with God and with others. Happy those who work for peace among people; God will call them sons and daughters. We pray that we might be able to bridge differences without destroying others' uniqueness, to harmonize, to bring togetherness. Happy are those who suffer persecution because they do what God requires: heaven belongs to them. Give us the grace to be able to accept hostility and anger without fighting back; to act rather than react to circumstances. |
Enjoy this article on the Beatitudes: here
What are the new insights you have learned from the article?
What are the new insights you have learned from the article?
Reflect on this musical version of the Beatitudes.
Which of the Beatitudes do you find easier to live?
Which of the Beatitudes present more of a challenge?
For 2018 make a resolution to ask God for the grace to live more fully the Beatitude life. Choose one way of doing that with each Beatitude.
May this bring you peace throughout this New Year.
Which of the Beatitudes do you find easier to live?
Which of the Beatitudes present more of a challenge?
For 2018 make a resolution to ask God for the grace to live more fully the Beatitude life. Choose one way of doing that with each Beatitude.
May this bring you peace throughout this New Year.